The project consortium is pleased to present the project manual translated into Italian! 

The project “Act 4 Inclusion” aims to create educational resources and promote social inclusion for categories of adults at high risk of exclusion (such as elderly, migrants or people with physical and mental disabilities) through the use of the innovative methodology of non-formal education, also leveraging on very important aspects, such as improvisation theater and a board game made entirely on the method of improvisation. 

The consortium of which, we remind, is composed of partners from Portugal, Spain, Romania and Italy, is also working on the other versions of the manual, which will soon be available on the official website. 

Meanwhile, continue to follow the news and updates on the project by following our social media or consulting our website from which, among other things, you can access and download educational resources in the various national languages of the project partnership. 

Stay connected: even if the project is now in its final phase, there are still many surprises in store for you! 

Follow the project on our social pages for new news: FacebookInstagram and Twitter.